
Healing Circles

With the world in constant hustle mode, stress and anxiety rising I have created a space (online) for women to come together to intentionally slow down, practice presence (mindfulness) and take a breather.

Upcoming circle

Saturday July 15th, at 6pm SAST | 9am PST | 12pm EST | 5pm BST

Energy Exchange per circle: Pay what you can. 

*South African clients please email to purchase.
**Ps: It’s my husband’s PayPal so it reads Dynacor Gaming and the link ‘ingriddwayne’. But you will notice my profile picture is the same as my IG pic.
Please note: Payment is non-refundable.

When you practice stillness expect magic...

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Your nervous system is regulated which has a direct impact on stress, and anxiety levels which has incredible follow on effects in all areas of your life

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You become increasingly aware of the signs your body is giving you

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You learn to detach from outcomes

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You learn self-compassion. If you are in a chronic state of fight/flight you lose the capacity for compassion

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It allows you to step back from auto-pilot living and habitual thought patterns to see things more clearly

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You learn to hear your intuition

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It puts the power back into your hands & grounds you into the present moment

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You learn to listen, it increases clarity and improves sleep

Why Women's Circles

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Women's circles are powerful because they provide a nurturing and transformative space for women to connect, support each other, and tap into their own personal power.

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You build connection & community with like minded women

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Women's circles provides space for healing and transformation

This is for you...

If you feel stressed, overwhelmed and on the verge of burnout (if not already)

If you need clarity

If you need a breather from life (think loonngg EXHALE)

If your cup is running on low

If you desire a renewed sense of inner strength

If you desire an opportunity to tune in and become aware of what your body is saying

About me, your host...

Welcome, my name is Ingrid, I am a Multi passionate Soul-preneur. My mission and movement in this lifetime is to teach women how to support themselves through life challenges specific to stress, anxiety, and infertility. I do this through Stillness & Presence (aka mindfulness).

I am a facilitator and meditation teacher. (I have over 120k minutes of meditation experience) I am sensitive to your fears and grief because I’ve been there (a decade-long infertility journey & 2 miscarriages). Most importantly I help you slow down, learn to regulate your nervous system, and come back into your body and ultimately teach you to move through life’s sometimes shitty times.

Join us on Saturday, July 15th

