For many people, the words “intuition” and “business” would probably never be uttered in the same sentence.
Society has taught us to always be in “doing mode”: taking action, going for it, making it happen and sometimes even pushing and forcing to get what we want. This is true in life but especially in business, a naturally a more masculine environment in terms of energy (and that has been male dominant for a long time).
This looks like using the logical mind all the time, always rationalizing, strategizing everything, planning, setting goals etc.
And don’t get me wrong, this is important! It is actually essential for any business.
But when we let our logical mind in charge all the time, it can:
- Create a lot of fear-based thoughts that are not real and get in the way;
- Block us from our creativity, inspiration and imagination;
- Exhaust us and lead to burn out;
- Etc.
Living only from that place cuts us off from our intuition. Which is so important.
Intuition comes from the subconscious mind, it picks up on things we are not always aware of consciously and for that reason, it is an amazing tool to make decisions.
Even though we were not taught this, intuition is necessary in our lives and in business!
Some leaders and successful business owners honor and follow their intuition which leads to great success.
Now, I am not saying to only following your intuition and to let everything just fall into place and happen naturally. Some people choose to live this way, which is beautiful. But I think we can all agree that, in most cases, this isn’t going to build a strong and thriving business.
I believe, you actually need both: logic, strategy, structure and all the masculine traits AND intuition, flow, ease – the more feminine traits.
Intuition allows us to be more in tune with the Universe, the Earth, our bodies and we need this so much to bring back some balance into the world. Especially right now.
It is through intuition that the most brilliant and innovative ideas can be birthed.
Start making time for yourself, create space, slow down so that you can connect to your intuition and strengthen it. This is where it all starts. This is the best tool for your life and for your business. Intuition will guide you, it will be your internal GPS and show you the next best steps for your life and business.
We must honor the divine feminine with intuition, creativity, receptiveness, and flow and then use the masculine to serve it with its strategy, aligned actions, goals etc.
We truly need to balance both in our lives and in our business. Because for too long the feminine and intuition have been repressed which only leads to disaster – which we can now see in the world.
It is truly up to us, conscious entrepreneurs, heart leaders, to bring balance back into our lives and businesses so that it can be brought back into the world, to raise the vibration of the world and spread our gifts in a new way, a soul led way, a conscious way. The only way.