You Are What You Have Been Looking For

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Wow, it’s been almost a month since I started writing this blog post, and in hindsight, I can see my Reflector strategy coming through strong here. (Reflector is my Human Design Energy Type and if you are interested to find out yours you can check out JovianArchive &

The last few months but especially May and June were 2 powerful “coming together” months with loads of introspection and some serious S-L-O-W-I-N-G down.

Even though I was quiet on Social Media, things were not quiet behind the scenes. 

Download after download, they kept on coming. (I currently have almost 500 notes on my Notes app.) And they just keep on coming. (Thank you Universe) 

Less doing and more being has been a big focus of mine, becoming more present, less rushed, out of my head and being content and happy with all the amazingness that life has offered & is offering me (in the midst of ALL that’s happened and is happening globally.) And some personal stuff too.

Once I slowed down the magic started. I say magic because honestly, not in my career or the even first years of my VA business has this ever happened. (Conditioning 101) We are literally living on autopilot! 

This way was just not doing it for me anymore.

A huge thing that came through for me, was that I received clarity around my mission and I am more inspired than ever to support you in this journey and healing process with a variety of different tools and healing modalities. There is no one-size-fits-all but learning about different modalities and incorporating this daily will change your life.

My focus going forward – Mentoring VA’s/OBM’s/Female Entrepreneurs in Uncovering who you were meant to be through Mindfulness & Contemplation. I am a lightworker and healer here to reflect back to you your energetic vibration & emotional health.

You see when I started my VA business, I had the perception of what it will look like. I know the quality of my work is impeccable and I thought well this would be the gamechanger and I would work hard and that’s going to be it. I have the motivation and the rest will come.

On the other hand, I thought well I was just not born confident and that I will have to work harder in other areas to make up for my “shortcomings”, “weaknesses”, being an introvert, empath, perfectionist and all. Does that not sound a tiny bit familiar? Yeah, I see you nodding there.

In 2019 I worked with a mentor not really knowing how it will play out, but it started a journey of healing. I dived deep into, Mindset & Energy work, Human Design, Genekeys, Astrology, Manifestation, Meditation, you name it. I jumped right in and OMG, it was the start of my awakening.

Fast forward to the present (June 2020) (the in-between stuff will still come, stay tuned.) What I noticed was, I was not born with all my insecurities, I was born to be a powerful voice, to uplift, inspire and support others. And guess what it fits perfectly with my Gene Keys Archetype…The Voice (#somanylightbulbmoments), but years of societal conditioning, learned behaviours, projections, limiting beliefs, made me who I was (see what I did here… emphasis on ‘who I was’!!!)

All these things you and others attach to yourself is not WHO YOU REALLY ARE. 

What I also learned was I have the power to change that, I am a powerful communicator, someone people look up to, to speak my truth authentically, to show up 110% as ME, less insecurities, less self-doubt, less fear etc. I said less for a reason because I believe we are constantly evolving, growing and healing.

You are not your fears or limiting beliefs. You were created for big things beyond anything that your mind can comprehend or even imagine. 

When you heal:

  • Everything becomes “easier” I say that in air quotes because the healing part is not easy but the transformation is worth it.
  • You believe in yourself! Can I get a Hell, YEAH?!!
  • You heal subconscious & unconscious past traumas that can show up as physical and mental illnesses.
  • You become CONFIDENT to speak your truth
  • It becomes easier to show up and be visible but on your terms no one else’s. 
  • You attract clients so perfectly aligned with you that it will blow your mind. But this can also show up as your life partner, your ideal job/position if you are not an entrepreneur.
  • Your energy vibrates higher and you become a magnet for your desires to manifest. 
  • You become more intuitive and trust the nudges that lead to greatness. 
  • You let go and surrender knowing you are co-creating with the Universe. 
  • You know hustling won’t get you far so you slow down.
  • You love yourself unconditionally and value taking care of yourself first.
  • You shed the conditioning that was past down from generations. Imagine an onion and peeling off the layers that turned you into a shy, insecure and fearful person. 
  • You transform into this beautiful radiant butterfly filled with confidence, excited about the future but content and at peace that you are right where you are supposed to be.
  • You put boundaries in place, no more people-pleasing.
  • And you become a powerful manifestor that sets sail for your dreams.

Healing & slowing down does this, yes you can build a business by hustling and doing and pushing, and forcing and if that’s how you want it then by all means go for it. 

But when you want more, it only takes setting an intention and the desire for healing and that my lovely is the Universe’s prompt and it’s saying to you:

 I’ve got you, let’s do this!

If this post resonated with you and you feel called to dive deep into your own spiritual awakening then this is the place to be. 

It all starts with setting the intention and promising yourself to do better by yourself.

It takes you to look deep within and open your heart to heal. 

It’s easy to shut down the voices, and insecurities but if you are anything like me you want more out of your life. And if you are ready to say yes to life, unapologetic and owning your worth, then I want to invite you to join my free Facebook group – Unleash Your Worth.

There is power in community! You are not alone! 

Thank you for reading & I am excited to take on this new journey with you! 

Lots of love & light! 

Ingrid Mangiagalli

Mindfulness & Transformation Facilitator

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