Stepping out of your comfort zone

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If you look at society standards, I am not the model beauty. I am not athletically built with a toned physique (not yet anyway), I have a muffin top. I don’t like my nose, and sometimes I have a double chin.

I was not popular at school. I had to study hard to get the average grades I got. There was a joke in my home where our housekeeper knew if my door was closed, she should be quiet because I couldn’t study if it weren’t completely silent.

I have always felt uncomfortable in the presence of people especially if they were naturally gorgeous.

This has stopped me from showing up in my business. I make excuses, excuses like what will I talk about. This isn’t “Perfect” enough. I told myself I need to plan for everything because then I know what I will say. Otherwise, people will judge me and laugh behind my back.

I am rising up and in the process of falling in love with myself for who I am. Yes, I don’t wake up looking like an actress who just stepped off a movie set. However, I am me. I am an empath, and I care about my people and clients. I walk the business journey with them, cheering for them and giving them time back to grow their business. What a fantastic gift, right?

For some people, I might just be a VA, but for me, I have finally seen my worth and stepping out of my comfort zone.

Stop hiding ladies! This is your time to shine, don’t listen to those voices in your head telling you are not good enough. You are made for something BIG!!

Ingrid Mangiagalli

Mindfulness & Transformation Facilitator

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