Nourishment for the soul: My monthly fave joys, reads, and inspirations (Aug ’23)

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Here you’ll find my monthly favourite joys, reads & inspirations. From shows to the most incredible meditations.

Month 2 of my Nourishment for the Soul series.

If you are new here, be sure to check out last month’s nourishment for the soul here. And stay tuned to my blog releases by signing up to my email list.

Enjoy lovely!

Monthly Inspiration

  • I am enjoying this site for all things Astrology. I am spending less time on Social Media and instead find what I am looking for via Google. 

The Wonders of Nature

  • Meet our new 2 baby doves. Hubby noticed an occupied nest in a bush in our garden and a few weeks later these two emerged. We watched them grow and leave the nest and they have not left our garden since. So special.

Our baby doves

Shows & Movies I watched

  • Hubby awakened a love for documentaries in me about anything and everything. And one show, we started watching is History’s Greatest Mysteries with Laurence Fishburne.  I am someone who is very open-minded and open to learning about different perspectives (Nothing in this life is black and white) and have learned so much by opening up to these kinds of things. Quite incredible what you can learn when you open yourself up. #justsaying The show brings a variety of theories to mysteries: For example one episode is all about The Hunt for Hitler so they showcase different theories on what happened to him, some say he committed suicide some say he fled to Europe. They bring supporting evidence to their theories. My favourite episode so far – “Decoding the Mysterious Antikythera Mechanism” 
  • I also love for its amazing documentaries. Beware it can lead you down a rabbit hole. 
  • On Netflix, if you are into weird and wacky I can say Santa Clarita Diet is hilarious and weird AF. Starring Drew Barrymore.
  • We also started binging an older show called Lost. You might have heard about it and I was quite surprised when hubby suggested it. (Why? Well, for the last 13 years when the show comes up in conversation, it gets shut down as shit – haha) If you’re one of the original disappointed Lost watchers be sure to catch my update in next month’s blog.)

Books I read/reading

  • I have decided to combine my love for reading and writing and opened up a Goodreads account. If you are a fellow bookworm come join me on Goodreads for all the deets on what I am reading and reviewing.

My fave meditations on InsightTimer

Yoga Youtube Inspiration

Favourite Youtube Playlists

  • My music world has drastically opened (again, thanks hubby) and lately I am shaking it to incredible mashups. It’s like a remix but just better. This is my fave mashup account.

That’s it from me for August! Tell me in the comments what are some of your recent fave things?! Join my email list to be notified of all the goodness I share.

PS: Check out my recent blog – A Mindfulness Prayer for Self-Healing

AND: If you want to get started with a mindfulness practice download my FREE Heal & Replenish Mindfulness Toolbox with 10 audio and written mindfulness practices that you can implement into your daily lives. You will also get a beautiful ebook with directions as well as guidelines on using these practices with intention. Download the toolbox here.

Ingrid Mangiagalli

Mindfulness & Transformation Facilitator

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